Indoor gardens are a great way to utilize extra space in your home. The plants in the garden help purify the air, improve focus and also enhance the home decor. Different flowering plants have different flowers.
Flowers of various shapes, sizes and colors are produced by indoor plants. Many gardeners choose plants on the basis of the type of flowers they produce. Among the different kinds of flowers that are produced by indoor plants, white colored flowers hold a special value.
White is the color of peace and calm. White flowers have the same effect on anyone who sees them in your garden. They are amazing at making the whole indoor garden appear more serene. Indoor plants with white flowers can really take the visual appeal of your garden at another level.
These plants will require basic care and with few minutes of time a day, you will have some elegant bloomers in your garden. So, let us have a look at some of the best indoor plants with white flowers.
Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)
Even if you are new to the world of plants, chances are that you have heard about peace lily. These amazing indoor plants are known for their elegant look. These vibrant indoor houseplants can make your garden more beautiful with their presence. Peace lilies filter 5 dangerous toxins from the air, making them all the more valuable. These plants need little care, and they reward you with some amazing flowers.
They prefer lesser duration of light as compared to other indoor plants. There leaves are glossy and have their own appeal. To plant these green delights in your garden, you would need a place that receives optimum sunlight. With a minimal care routine, these plants can become your favorite in no time.
- Light – Peace lilies do not like much exposure to sunlight. 4 hours a day is more than enough.
- Water – Water only when the soil is dry.
- Soil – Peat based potting mixed with sand.
- Humidity – Relative humidity above 50%.
- Flowers – Elegant white flowers bloom in the summer.

Moth Orchid (Phaelonopsis)
Moth orchids can be a great addition to your indoor garden. These indoor plants with white flowers will make your garden more graceful and elegant. These plants produce flowers once a week and they remain bloomed for a few months. These plants are epiphytes, so they are grown in bark mix or sphagnum moss.
They need little care. They love sunlight but should not be exposed to it for more than 8 hours a day. Not only do their flowers look appealing, these orchids make the garden look fuller than usual, just by their presence. Planting them in your indoor garden will definitely be fruitful.
- Light – Bright light for at least 6-8 hours a day.
- Water – Water once a week.
- Soil – Moist soil which can hold water.
- Humidity – Relative humidity of about 40%
- Flowers – Elegant white flowers bloom in summer time.

Hawaiian Wedding Flower (Steaphanotis Floribunda)
Steaphanotis have been treasured for their beauty and their scent. These delightful indoor plants are low maintenance and can reward you by producing visually appealing flowers. The dark shiny foliage and snowy flowers of this plant, make it a must have in your indoor garden. They are a traditional inclusion in a wedding bouquet and are very popular among florists.
The flowers present as narrow tubular waxy horns. Each flower has a crown of 5 lobes. Though this plant can survive outdoors, it is preferred to be grown inside because of its delicate and tender structure. Sufficient rain, high humidity and warm winters are the best for these plants.
- Light – 6 hours of light a day.
- Humidity – 50% relative humidity.
- Water – Water them twice a week.
- Soil – Well drained soil.
- Flowers – White flowers with amazing appeal are produced every winter.
White Hydrangea (Hydrangea Macrophylla)
Hydrangeas are rockstars of the plant world. These amazing little plants can take your garden’s elegance to a whole new level. These low maintenance plants have the ability to withstand utmost negligence. Their medium height can add structure to garden design and make it look better in every way. The cone shaped flowers of these plants are enticing to look at.
These plants have tiny buds and were initially native to Japan. These plants require loads of water and should be provided enough care during summer. With little care, these plants can grow swiftly and produce amazing white flowers. These are one of the most preferred indoors plants with white flowers.
- Light – 4 to 6 hours of sunlight.
- Humidity – 30% relative humidity.
- Soil – Moist soil is needed for its growth.
- Water – Water it twice a week.
- Flower – Cone shaped white flowers bloom in spring.

Gardenia (Rubiaceae)
Gardenias are popular ornamental indoor plants that have amazing white flowers blooming out at the right time. These indoor plants with white flowers are known for their finicky needs. They do require substantial amounts of care and do not do very well if neglected. But these delightful little plants can mesmerize anyone who visits your home, by their sheer elegance.
They cannot tolerate severe cold and hence should be kept out during winters at any cost. They needs several hours of sunlight a day. Fall or spring is the best time to plant them.
- Light – 6 to 8 hours of sunlight a day.
- Water – Every time the soil is dry.
- Soil – Moist soil is a must for their proper growth.
- Humidity – 40% relative humidity
- Flowers – Extremely beautiful white flowers bloom in winters.
Jasmine (Jasminum)
Everybody is familiar with the breath-taking beauty of the Disney princess Jasmine. This flower with the same name, rivals the beauty of the princess. This indoor plant can become the source of exotic fragrance in warmer climate. It is an important scent in perfumes and is also known for its medicinal properties. Protecting it from cold is one of the most important aspects of its care.
- Light – 5-7 hours of direct sunlight.
- Water – Once a week.
- Soil – Moist, well drained soil.
- Humidity – 30% relative humidity.
- Flowers – The white flowers of Jasmine are a sight to behold

Genarium (Pelargoniums)
Geranium are one of the most loved plants. These little indoor plants can make your garden more beautiful with their flowers. Different species of geranium produce different kinds of flowers. The indoor plant with white flowers is preferred by many gardeners because of its low maintenance. It can take a huge amount of neglect without having any damage.
- Light – 4 to 6 hours of sunlight.
- Water – Water once a week.
- Humidity – 25% relative humidity works the best.
- Soil – Moist soil is needed for proper growth
- Flowers – White flowers make these plants more appealing.
Orange Jessamine (Murraya Penniculata)
Do not confuse it with the Jasmine plant. This indoor houseplant will reward you with amazing white flowers in exchange of a little care. All you need to do is set it at the place where it gets optimum sunlight. It is named so because it smells like sweet orange blossoms. It is a great choice if you are looking to attract butterflies to your indoor garden.
- Light – 4 to 6 hours of sunlight.
- Water – Twice a week.
- Soil – Well drained soil free of nematodes.
- Humidity – 40% relative humidity
- Flowers – White flowers in summer.

Pentas (Pentas)
These indoor plants with white flowers are also known as Egyptian Stars. They have appealing white flowers which bloom in summer time. They have a great visual appeal and are a worthy addition to your indoor garden. They need little care from you and can survive being neglected for quite some time.
- Light – 4 to 6 hours of sunlight.
- Water – Twice a week.
- Soil – Well drained, moist soil.
- Humidity – 40% relative humidity.
- Flowers – Tiny white flowers bloom in summer.
Frangipani (Plumeria)
These indoor houseplants need little care to produce amazing white flowers. They are easy to plant and love sunlight. Keep them sage from pests and insects, and they will reward you with elegant flowers in return.
- Light – 3 hours of sunlight.
- Water – Twice a week.
- Humidity – 30% relative humidity.
- Soil – Moist soil is a prerequisite.
- Flowers – White flowers during summer.

These are some beautiful indoor plants with white flowers, that can be used to make your garden more elegant.
Sam is a graduated biologist who sub-specialised in Botany in his final years. With a passion for human health and food, this was the perfect marriage of his interests. Having been born in the country but spent most of his life living in cities, this blog was his answer to learning how to grow a garden indoors if you didn’t have ample space outside.